BoD composition

Composition of Samvardhana Motherson International Limited (SAMIL) Board of Directors
CIN: L35106MH1986PLC284510

Download the list of directors and their directorship

Classification Name Designation Category Date of original appointment as Director Date of reappointment current shareholders’ approval 
Non-Independent Director

Mr. V. C. Sehgal Chairman Non-Executive 19/12/1986 31/07/1999*
Mr. L.V. Sehgal Director Non-Executive 30/04/2009 28/09/2020
Mr. Pankaj Mital Whole-time Director Executive Director 29/01/2001 21/08/2017

* Mr V C Sehgal was appointed as non-retiring director by the shareholders in AGM held on July 31, 1999.


Classification Name Designation Category Date of original appointment as Director Independent Director (effective date) Date of reappointment for Second Term as Independent Director
Independent Director

Mr. Naveen Ganzu Independent Director Non-Executive  14/10/2015 14/10/2015 28/09/2020
Ms. Rekha Sethi Independent Director Non-Executive  10/08/2021 10/08/2021 N.A.
Mr. Robert Joseph Remenar Independent Director Non-Executive 28/01/2022 28/01/2022 N.A.
Mr. Veli Matti Ruotsala Independent Director Non-Executive 28/01/2022 28/01/2022 N.A.

In terms of the Companies Act, 2013, an independent director is entitled to hold office for a term up to five (5) years. Further such Independent Director shall be eligible for reappointment by the shareholders by passing special resolution.


Profile of Board of Directors


Mr. V. C. Sehgal

  • Co-founded Motherson along with his mother, Late Smt. Swarn Lata Sehgal in 1975
  • Chairman, Samvardhana Motherson International Limited (SAMIL)  (formerly Motherson Sumi Systems Limited)

Mr. Naveen Ganzu

  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management from IMI Delhi, India and an MBA from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • 33 years of professional experience in managing multinational joint venture partnerships & Brownfield acquisitions, setting up Greenfield projects, and spearheading strategic M&A

Ms. Rekha Sethi

  • Graduate from St. Stephens College, University of Delhi
  • Director General of the All India Management Association (AIMA), the apex body for management in India

Mr. Robert Joseph Remenar

  • Master of Business and Professional Accountancy with degrees from Walsh College
  • Undergraduate degree in Finance from Central Michigan University - magna cum laude.

Mr. Veli Matti Ruotsala

  • M.Sc. Engineering Degree (Industrial Engineering/tuotantotalous) from Helsinki University of Technology (today Aalto University).
  • Core executive MBA degree from Helsinki University of Technology (today Aalto University)

Mr. LV Sehgal

  • MBA degree from Columbia Business School (USA) and holds a degree from Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Director, Samvardhana Motherson International Limited (SAMIL) (formerly Motherson Sumi Systems Limited)

Mr. Pankaj Mital

  • Graduate in Science & Law and Postgraduate in Management
  • Vast experience of more than 31 years in the field of Electronic Distribution System (EDS) in Automobile Industries
  • Chief Operating Officer of Samvardhana Motherson International Limited (SAMIL) since 2001

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